3. و في كلتا الحالتين السابقتين يجب على الطرف الذي يرغب في انهاء العقد إبلاغ الطرف الآخر بذلك قبل أسبوع على الاقل من تاريخ التوقف عن التدريب و التأهيل.
3. in both cases the two previous party who wishes to terminate the contract, inform the other party at least one week before the date of stop training and rehabilitation.
3. In both the above two cases should be on the party who wishes to terminate the contract to inform the other party at least a week before the date of cessation of training and rehabilitation.
3. In both cases, two party that wants to terminate the contract shall inform the other party by at least one week from the date of stop training and rehabilitation.