حين يكون الالتهاب الرئوي ناجما عن جرثومة، يتم علاج الالتهاب الرئوي بوا translation - حين يكون الالتهاب الرئوي ناجما عن جرثومة، يتم علاج الالتهاب الرئوي بوا English how to say

حين يكون الالتهاب الرئوي ناجما عن ج

حين يكون الالتهاب الرئوي ناجما عن جرثومة، يتم علاج الالتهاب الرئوي بواسطة المضادات الحيوية (Antibiotics). فان علاج الالتهاب الرئوي بالمضادات الحيوية يضمن الشفاء من الالتهاب الرئوي، في كل الحالات التي يكون الالتهاب الرئوي فيها ناجما عن التعرض لجرثومة. ولكي يتماثل المريض للشفاء التام، يتوجب عليه تناول جرعة المضادات الحيوية كاملة. يجب عليه الا يتوقف عن تناول الدواء، حتى وان شعر بحصول تحسن ما، بل ان يتم الجرعة كاملة، طبقا لتعليمات الطبيب، تماما. هنالك العديد من المضادات الحيوية المستعملة لعلاج الالتهاب الرئوي كالازيتروميتسين (azithromycim)٬ الكلاريتروميتسين (clarithromycin) والدوكسيسيكلين (doxycycline). توصف هذه المضادات الحيوية عادة للاشخاص مع التهاب رئوي بسيط وغير معقد وليسوا بحاجة للاستشفاء.

اذت كان المرض اكثر تعقيدا او المريض بحاجة للاستشفاء او يعاني من امراض مزمنة فعندها نقوم باعطائه مضادات حيوية اكثر قوة وفعالية وتغطي مجموعة اوسع من الجراثيم.

قد يسبب الالتهاب شعورا سيئا جدا. ولكن، بعد ان يبدا المريض بتناول المضادات الحيوية يبدا بملاحظة التحسن والشعور به. اما اذا لم يطرا اي تحسن خلال يومين - ثلاثة ايام من بدء تناول المضادات الحيوية فمن الواجب مراجعة الطبيب، بل ينبغي الاتصال بالطبيب مباشرة، على الفور، لدى حصول اي تراجع في الحالة الصحية. فمن الممكن ان يكون المضاد الحيوي غير ملائم لنوعية الجرثومة المسببة للالتهاب الرئوي وبهذا عليه تلقي علاجا مناسبا اخر٬ او ان المريض بحاجة الى دخول المشفى لتلقي العلاج بواسطة الوريد او ان هنالك مرض اخر مسبب لهذه الاعراض غير الالتهاب الرئوي.

وعلاوة على ذلك، ثمة امور اضافية عديدة يمكن القيام بها لتحسين شعور المريض، خلال فترة علاج الالتهاب الرئوي. فعلى سبيل المثال، يجب ان يكثر المريض من الراحة، من النوم ومن شرب السوائل، اضافة الى الامتناع عن التدخين. واذا كان السعال يثير ضيقا شديدا ويمنع المريض من النوم الطبيعي خلال الليل، فمن المفضل استشارة الطبيب بشان تناول دواء ضد السعال.

اما في حالات الاعراض الحادة والصعبة، ضعف الجهاز المناعي، التعرض لمرض صعب اخر، فقد تستدعي الحاجة التوجه الى المستشفى للمعالجة.

كما وينصح الاطباء بالمتابعة ما بعد الشفاء من المرض بواسطة صورة اشعة (XRAY) بعد ٧ الى ١٢ اسبوع من بعد العلاج للتاكد من الشفاء التام وعدم وجود امراض رئوية اخرى

الالتهاب الرئوي الذي ينجم عن التعرض لفيروس لا تتم معالجته بالمضادات الحيوية، بشكل عام. وقد يتم اللجوء الى المضادات الحيوية لمنع نشوء مضاعفات خطيرة، لكن الراحة ومعالجة السعال، وحدهما، كفيلتان بتحقيق الشفاء.

علاج الالتهاب الرئوي البيتي:

تشكل المعالجة البيتية عنصرا اساسا وحيويا للشفاء من الالتهاب الرئوي. النصائح التالية قد تساعد على الشفاء ومنع حصول اية مضاعفات، مثل نشوء تلوث اخر، او تراكم السوائل في الجوف الجنبي (Pleural cavity) الواقع بين الرئتين وبين جدار الصدر (وهذه الحالة من تراكم السوائل تسمى: الانصباب الجنبي - Pleural effusion).

لدى التزام البيت، يوصى بـ:

الاكثار من الراحة ومن شرب السوائل لتجنب الجفاف
معالجة السعال
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
While pneumonia is caused by a bacterium, is treating pneumonia with antibiotics (Antibiotics). The treatment of pneumonia with antibiotics ensures recovery from pneumonia, in all cases where pneumonia caused by exposure to the bacterium. In order to equal the patient full recovery, have a dose of antibiotics is complete. It must not stop taking the medication, even though it was an improvement, but that is the full dose, according to doctor's instructions, exactly. There are many antibiotics used to treat pneumonia kalazitromitsin (azithromycim), alklaritromitsine (clarithromycin), doxycycline (doxycycline). These antibiotics are usually prescribed for people with slight pneumonia and uncomplicated and not in need of hospitalization. Hurt was a more complicated disease or patient need hospitalization or suffer from chronic diseases, then we give antibiotics more forcefully and effectively covers a wider range of bacteria.The inflammation may cause a feeling very bad. But, after a patient begins taking antibiotics begin with improvements and feel. If there is no improvement within 2-3 days from start of antibiotics should consult a doctor, but the doctor should be contacted immediately, instantly, to any decline in health status. It is possible that the antibiotic is not suitable for quality pneumonia-causing germ in this treatment fit another case or that the patient needs to enter the hospital to receive intravenous therapy or that there was another cause of these symptoms is not pneumonia.Furthermore, there are several additional things you can do to improve the patient's feeling, during the treatment of pneumonia. For example, you must frequently patient comfort, sleep, and drink plenty of fluids, in addition to refraining from smoking. If cough raises serious and narrowly prevents the patient from natural sleep during the night, it is preferable to consult a doctor about medication against cough.In cases of acute and difficult symptoms, weakened immune system, exposure to disease is difficult, you may need to go to hospital for treatment.As doctors recommend follow-up after recovery from disease by x-ray (XRAY) after 7 to 12 weeks after treatment to ensure full recovery and absence of other pulmonary diseasesPneumonia caused by exposure to the virus are not treated with antibiotics. And may resort to antibiotics to prevent serious complications, but the comfort and coughs, alone, make a profound difference in recovery. Treatment of pneumonia the home:Home treatment constitute essentially element vital to recovery from pneumonia. The following tips may help heal and prevent any complications, such as the emergence of contamination or accumulation of fluid in the pleural hollow (the Pleural cavity) between the lungs and the chest wall between (and this fluid build-up is called: pleural Pleural effusion-). I have the commitment, the House recommends:Lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydrationTreatment of cough
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
When it is pneumonia caused by a bacterium, is the treatment of pneumonia with antibiotics (Antibiotics). The treatment of pneumonia with antibiotics ensures recovery from pneumonia, in all cases where the pneumonia caused by exposure to the bacterium. In order to equal the patient's full recovery, he must take a full dose of antibiotics. It must not stop taking the drug, even though the improved access of hair, but that is a full dose, according to the doctor's instructions, completely. There are many antibiotics used to treat pneumonia Kalazetrometsin (azithromycim), Alclaritrometsin (clarithromycin) and doxycycline (doxycycline). These antibiotics are usually described for people with a simple and uncomplicated pneumonia and are not in need of hospitalization. Sought refuge in the disease is more complicated or patient in need of hospitalization or suffering from chronic diseases then it we are giving him antibiotics stronger and more effective and cover a wider germs. May cause inflammation feeling very bad . However, after that the patient begin by taking antibiotics starts by noting improvement and feeling it. But if there has been no improvement over the two days - three days of the start of a course of antibiotics, it is due to see a doctor, but should contact your doctor immediately, on the spot, the occurrence of any decline in health status. It is possible that the antibiotic is not appropriate for the quality of pathogen that causes pneumonia and this he received treatment appropriate Akhar, or that the patient need hospitalization for treatment by intravenous or that some other disease cause of these symptoms is pneumonia. Moreover, there are additional things many can be done to improve the patient feeling, during the treatment of pneumonia. For example, you should frequently patient comfort, sleep and drink fluids, in addition to refrain from smoking. If the cough raises very distressing and prevents the patient from natural sleep through the night, it is preferable to consult a doctor about taking medicine against cough. In cases of severe and difficult symptoms, a weakened immune system, exposure to the disease difficult post, it may be needed to go to hospital for treatment. As advised Doctors follow-up after recovery from illness by x-ray (XRAY) after 7 to 12 weeks after treatment to make sure that a full recovery and the absence of lung disease and other pneumonia, which is caused by exposure to the virus is not being treated with antibiotics, in general. May be resorting to antibiotics to prevent the development of serious complications, but rest and treatment cough, alone, Kveltan achieve healing. Treatment of pneumonia the home: home treatment and basically a component vital to recovering from pneumonia. The following tips may help to cure and prevent any complications, such as the emergence of other contamination, or accumulation of fluid in the cavity pleural (Pleural cavity) located between the lungs and the chest wall (and this case of fluid accumulation called: pleural effusion - Pleural effusion). The House's commitment to , recommended to: a lot of rest and drink fluids to avoid dehydration treatment cough

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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
When pneumonia is caused by bacteria, the antibiotic treatment of pneumonia by Antibiotics).Ensures recovery from pneumonia, pneumonia and antibiotic therapy, in all cases in which pneumonia was caused by an exposure.In order to compare patient recovered fully, we take dose of antibiotics. He should not stop taking the medication, even hair, improvement, but also to full dose, according to the instructions of the physician.There are many antibiotics used to treat pneumonia Kalazytrwmytsyn (azithromycim), Alklarytrwmytsyn (clarithromycin), doxycycline (doxycycline).These antibiotics are described generally for people with a simple and uncomplicated pneumonia and not need healing.

I had the disease or the patient needs more complicated cases, or suffering from chronic diseases by allowing more robust and effective antibiotics, then we cover a broader range of bacteria.

may cause inflammation and felt very bad.However, after the patient starts taking antibiotics and begins to notice improvement.
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