الخمور و المشروبات الكحولية و الخمور المزبدة و الخمور المعطرة و المواد المماثلة المحصل عليها من فواكه اخرى غير العنب و كذا المشروبات المصنعة من العنب او عصير العنب
Wines and liquors and wines almsbdh and scented wines and similar substances obtained from fruits other than grapes, and beverages manufactured from grapes or grape juice
Alcohol and alcoholic beverages, wines and liquor Almzbdh scented and similar substances obtained from other non-grape fruit and drinks as well as manufacturers of grapes or grape juice
Wines, alcoholic beverages, wines and liquor Almzbdt scented and similar substances obtained from fruits other than grapes, as well as the drink made from grapes, juice grapes.