يجب ان يحتوي الاعلام المتعلق بالمواد الاولية الموجهة للانتاج و التحويل و التوضيب او لكل استعمال مهني اخر غير ذلك الموجه مباشرة للمستهلك ، على البيانات الاجبارية الاتية
It must contain information concerning the raw materials intended for production and processing and packing or use another professional other router directly to the consumer, the following core data
Must contain information on Substances that initial oriented production and conversion and packaging or for each use of a professional other than that directed directly to the consumer, following the compulsory data
Must contain information on the raw materials oriented production and packing, or for professional use and conversion, another data is directed to the consumer, following sin