لا انا في واجب عسكري باقي 7ايام فكرت مجرد تفكير ربما أنها تمكنك من العودة إلى ديارهم لأنك مريض. يمكنك أن تسأل للذهاب لرؤية الطبيب؟ لا تريد أن تزداد سوءا قل لي كيف سيئ رأسك؟
Not that I'm in the rest of the military duty 7 daysI just thought maybe it lets you return home because you are sick. You can ask to go to see the doctor? Don't want to get worseTell me how bad your head?
I am not in a military duty the rest of the 7 days I thought just maybe thinking it enables you to go home because you're sick. You can ask to go to see a doctor? Do not want to worsen tell me how bad your head?
I'm on military duty, the rest 7 days I just think maybe it let you go home because you're sick. You can ask to go to see a doctor? Don't want to worsen tell me how bad your head?