النتائج الموجودة في جدول 2 توضح وجود اختلافات عالية المعنوية بسبب نوع الحمض بالنسبة لكل من حمض اليوريك والكالسيوم والفوسفور مع عدم وجود اختلافات لكل من الكرياتينين والالت والاست
The results in table 2 illustrate the high moral differences due to the type of DNA for each of uric acid and calcium and phosphorus with no differences for each of creatinine and hearin
Results in Table 2 shows the presence of high moral differences due to acid type for each of uric acid, calcium, phosphorus, with no differences for each of creatinine, plant and anus
The results in Table 2 indicate highly significant differences due to the type of acid for both serum creatinine and uric acid, calcium and phosphorus, with no differences Walalt Walast