. الصدقتعد الكلمة التي تصدر منك هي الرباط الازم في عالم الأعمال و هي ا translation - . الصدقتعد الكلمة التي تصدر منك هي الرباط الازم في عالم الأعمال و هي ا English how to say

. الصدقتعد الكلمة التي تصدر منك هي

. الصدق

تعد الكلمة التي تصدر منك هي الرباط الازم في عالم الأعمال و هي المعيار الذي يحدد به قدر ثقة الآخرين بك و هي أحد أهم العناصر التي تبنى عليها العلاقات الطويلة الأمدفي مكان العمل. لذلك، يجب عليك تلتزم بكلمتك في جميع الأحوال بشكل دائم إلى جانبك أظهار نزاهتك للغير. يجب أن تضع مصلحة شركتك في ذهنك دائما عند إتخاذك لجميع القرارت التي تتعلق بالعمل فعليك أن تلتزم بقوانين الشركة و مواثيقها كما عليك أيضا تحمل مسؤولية أفعالك كاملة و النتيجة المترتبة عليها.
2. إمتلاك الدافع الداخلي

إن الدافع و الحافز هما من أهم الأصول الغير ملموسة التي يتمتع بها الموظف و التي تجلعه يحسن آدائه من كل قلبه و تدفعه إلى تحقيق المزيد من الإنجازات الرائعة التي تدر الفائدة عليه و على فريقه و على الشركة التي يعمل بها كما تدفعه إلى تبني حلول مبتكرة تتسم بالفاعلية إلى جانب العديد من الأمور الإيجابية. لدى هؤلاء الموظفون تأثير إيجابي على نظرائهم الذين يعملون في الشركة نفسها حيث يتأثرون بحماس أولاءك مما يزيد من إنتاجيتهم و يضاعف من شهيتهم على العمل.
3. المبادرة

لا ينتظر الموظف الناجح تزويد رئيسه له بالوجبات التي يجب ينفذها كما لا ينتظر أحد أن يملي عليه أفكاره أو حتى طريقة تنفيذ عمله، إذ هو شخص مبادر يعمل على تحقيق أهداف الشركة من خلال الإتيان بآساليب مبدعة للقيام بواجباته و التي تعمل على توفير الوقت و المال و الجهد و الموارد.
4. التحرك نحو أهداف معينة

إذا أراد الشخص النجاح في مختلف جوانب الحياة، عليه آلا يفقد غايته المنشودة من العمل الذي يقوم به كما يجب عليه المحاولة قدر إمكانه آلا ينهمك في آداء الفروض الروتينة التي تحول دون وصوله إلى غايته. و ذلك لأن الشخص الناجح هو الشخص الذي لديه مجموعة واضحة من الأهداف ليحققها وفق خطة مفصلة.
5. التمتع بمهارات إتصال سليمة

من أهم العوامل التي تؤدي إلى تقدم الموظف في حياته المهنية هي إمتلاكه لمهارات إتص ال سليمة في شقيها الشفوي و المكتوب. كذلك، تتضمن مجموعة مهارات الإتصال التي يجب أن يمتلكها الموظف الناجح مهارة الإنصات الحيوي و الذي تسمح للشخص الذي يمتلكها بأن يتفاعل بصدق مع المتحدث و يحلل ما يقوله بموضوعية و يستوعبه بشكل تام. تعد مهارات الإنصات و الإستماع جزء أساسي من مهارات الإتصال السليمة و أيضا فن يجب أن يتعلم الموظف إتقانه حتى ينجح.
6. الطاقة

تعتبر الطاقة واحد من أهم العوامل التي تعطي الموظف القدرة على بذل الجهد الإضافي في أثناء قيامه بواجبه حتى يحقق المزيد من الإنجازات التي تفوق في عددها تلك التي تعود لزملائه المنهكين. كما يقوم هؤلاء الموظفين الممتلئين بالطاقة بإكمال ما تركه زملائهم المنهكين ورائهم و هم أيضا غير خائفين من أخذ أية واجبات جديدة و هم غير خائفين أيضا من توجيه أنظارهم نحو أهداف جديدة.
7. الثقة

تسمح الثقة بالنفس للموظف التفاعل بكل مهنية و راحة مع زملائه في الشركة التي يعمل بها بغض النظر عن المنصب الذي يشغلوه حتى لو كانوا أصحاب مناصب رفيعة جدا في الشركة. أيضا، يجب أن يكون الموظف واثق من نفسه عند تعاملاته مع عملائه و مزوديه كما يجب عليه أن يسيطر على نفسه بشكل جيد جدا حتى يمثل الشركة بأفضل حلة أمام الطرف الآخر الذي يقابله بغض النظر عن الجهة التي يمثلها هذا الطرف.
8. إمكانية الإعتماد عليهم

إن الموظفون الجيدون الناجحون في مهنتهم هم عماد الشركة التي يعملوا بها حيث يعتمد عليهم في كثير من الأمور، إذ يتميز هؤلاء بثباتهم في سعيهم لأنهاء الواجبات المسندة إليهم و تسليمها للإدارة بالجودة المطلوبة، فهم لا يهجروا عملهم بسب إشتداد الظروف لأنهم أشخاص يتحلون بمهنية عالية لا تسمح لهم بتخيب ظن الشركة الشركة و أملها بهم. أيضا، هم ملتزمون في إتباعهم التسلسل الإداري لسير العمليات و هم يعملوا بإستمرار على إطلاع الإدارة على كل الأمور التي تصادفهم.
9. الفخر

يشعر الموظف الناجح بالكبرياء و الفخر تجاه عمل أعده بأتقان عال، و هذا الشعور يجعله راغبا ببذل أقصى جهدة لكي يضمن جودة النتجية النهائية للعمل الذي يقوم به و حتى يضمن أيضا تحقيقه لأهداف الشركة بشكل جيد جدا و الذي يعكس بدقة الجهد المبذول لتحقيقها سواء أكان ذلك الجهد فردي أم جماعي. يدفع حس الفخر الذي يشعر به الموظفين إلى مضاعفة جهدهم و تخطي حدود مقدرتهم العادية حتى يتمكنوا من تحقيق النجاح الذي يمدهم بالفخر تجاه ما صنعت أياديهم.
10. الثبات

يتمتع الموظفون الناجحون بإصرار عال لا يضعف أمام إشتداد الظروف كما لا يسمحوا لأي شئ أن يقف في طريقهم و يعيقهم عن تحقيق أهدافهم أو يبعد أنظارهم عن أهداف الشركة و مهمتها. كذلك، يمكننا القول من أن الموظفين الذين يتمتعوا بأعلى درجات الإلتزام و التصميم باقون للأمد الطويل مع الشركة التي يعملون بها و لا يدعون أي شئ يعقهم عن تحقيق أهدافهم.
11. إمتلاك المهارات التحليلة و مهارات حل المشاكل

لقد تم إختيار جميع الموظفون العاملون في الشركة لنفس الغرض بغض النظر عن مناصبهم التي يشغلوها و الواجبات التي يقومون بها و هذا السبب هو قدرتهم على حل مختلف أنواع المشاكل التي تواجه الشركة. تشمل مهارات حل المشاكل التي يتمتع بها الموظف قدرته على تحديد المشكلة و تحليل عناصرها و الخروج بحلول مبتكرة لمواجهة هذه المشكلة بأقل تكلفة و فترة زمنية ممكنة لملاقاة أهداف الشركة التي يعمل بها بأقل خطر ممكن.
12. الإبتكار

الإبداع و الإبتكار من أهم عناصر حل المشكلة حيث يتجلى أبسط شكل من أشكال الإبداع في قدرة الموظف على إبتكار الحلول للمشكلة التي تواجهه لم يتطرق إليها أحدا قبله. في الغالب، تتسم تلك الحلول المبتكرة بإتاحة الفرصة للشركة لتحقيق أهدافها ضمن الحدود المطلوبة بأقل تكلفة و بأقل وقت ممكن. يمكن توظيف الإبداع في حل المشاكل في أي وظيفة كانت سواء أكان الشخص موظف إستقبال خرج بأسلوب مبتكر في أخذ المكالمات الهاتفية أو حتى الخروج بفكرة إعلانية جديدة أو حتى منتج جديد.
13. التنظيم

يعني التنظيم في إطار هذا المقال قدرة الموظف على الإتيان بسلم أولويات ينظم عبره وقته وفقا لأهمية الوجبات المناط بها، فيضع أكثر الأشياء أهمية على رأس أولوياته حتى لا يدع نفسه تنشغل بالأمور الأقل أهمية و التي تعيقه عن آداء الواجبات الهامة. لا يتعامل الموظف الفاعل مع وقته بعشوائية، بل يقوم بوضع جدول زمني مفصل في وقت سابق ليسير وفقه و الذي يسمح له بالتعامل مع الأمور الغير متوقعة و العاجلة بفاعلية من دون إحداث أي فوضى في ترتيب الواجبات.
14. الفاعلية

يعلم الموظف الناجح بوجود نوعان من الحلول للمشاكل التي تواجهه و هما الحلول الفعالة و الغير فعالة. يحرص الموظف الناجح على البحث عن الحلول الفعالة و إبتكارها حيث تتميز هذه الحلول عن غيرها ب
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
. HonestyIs the word that you are issued is Rabat crisis in the business world and is standard which defines it as the confidence of others and is one of the most important elements that build long-term relations alamdvi workplace. Therefore, you must comply with your keyword in all cases permanently to you show your impartiality to others. You must place the interests of your company in mind when making all decisions relating to work, you have to abide by laws and charters as you take responsibility for your actions and the result thereof.2. possess intrinsic motivationThe motivation and motivation are two of the most important intangible assets enjoyed by the employee which improves the performance of teglah all his heart and to achieve more remarkable achievements which benefit him and his team and a company that also works to build innovative solutions are effective, along with many positive things. These staff have a positive influence on their peers who work in the same company as affected by Hamas اولاءك which increases the productivity and increases the appetite.3. initiativeSuccessful employee is expected to provide its Chairperson meals that must be executed nor wait one to dictate it or even how to implement the ideas work, is a serial entrepreneur working to achieve company objectives by bringing creative methods to carry out his duties and that work to save time and money and effort and resources.4. the move towards specific goalsIf a person is successful in various aspects of life, it only loses by desired work done they must try as he only engaged in performing assignments alrotana which prevent arriving at its destination. The successful person is a person who has a clear set of targets to achieve in accordance with a detailed plan.5. enjoy the sound communication skillsOne of the most important factors that lead to employee career is having good communication skills both oral and written. Also, include a range of communication skills that successful employee must possess the skill of listening and allowing the person who owned that interact with the speaker and analyzes what objectively and fully absorbed. Listening and listening skills are an essential part of good communication skills and also the art employee must learn his mastery until it succeeds.6. energyEnergy is one of the most important factors that give the employee the ability to exert extra effort during his due even more achievements that surpass in number those of fellow exhausted. As these staff full powered complete weary colleagues behind legacy, they are also not afraid to take any new obligations and are not afraid also of directing their attention towards new objectives.7. trustLet self-confidence for employee interaction with both professional and comfortable with his colleagues in the company that operates regardless of the position they occupy him even if they were the owners of very high positions in the company. Also, the employee must be sure of himself when his dealings with its clients and sponsors as must same controlled very well so the company represents the best resolve it before the other party which matched regardless of who represents the party.8. dependabilityThe staff good achievers in their profession are the mainstay of the company that employed them as reliable in many things, they characterized their steadfastness in seeking to end the obligations entrusted to them and delivered to management quality, they do not abandon their work due to heightened conditions of persons with high professional don't let them betkhib the company thought the company and hope. Also, they are committed to their followers the hierarchy of processes and they work constantly to inform management on all matters that face.9. prideSuccessful employee feels pride and pride of work prepared by the master, and this feeling makes him willing to do its utmost to ensure the quality of final alntgeh of work done and so also ensures to the company targets very well and which accurately reflects the effort to achieve them, whether individual or collective effort. Push the sense of pride felt by staff to redouble their effort and beyond normal capacity so that they can achieve success by providing them with pride what made hands.10. stabilityEmployees have consistently high achievers do not weaken before the heightened circumstances, as does not allow anything to stand in their way and limit their abilities for achieving their goals or their eyes away from the company's goals and mission. Well, we can say that employees who enjoy the highest degree of commitment and determination remain long-term with their company and do not claim anything hinder them achieving their goals.11. possess analytical skills and problem solving skillsI've been selecting all employees of the company for the same purpose regardless of positions held and their duties and this reason is their ability to solve different types of problems facing the company. Include problem-solving skills that are enjoyed by the employee's ability to identify the problem and analyze elements and come up with innovative solutions to address this problem at the lowest cost and time to meet company objectives with the least possible risk.12. innovationCreativity and innovation of the most important elements of a solution to the problem so reflected the simplest form of creativity in the employee's ability to devise solutions to the problem that has been encountered by anyone before. Mostly, these innovative solutions to provide an opportunity for the company to achieve its goals within the required limits at the lowest cost and with the least possible time. Innovation can be employed to solve problems in any job, whether the person was a receptionist came up with an ingenious method to take phone calls or even come up with the idea of a new ad or even a new product.13. التنظيميعني التنظيم في إطار هذا المقال قدرة الموظف على الإتيان بسلم أولويات ينظم عبره وقته وفقا لأهمية الوجبات المناط بها، فيضع أكثر الأشياء أهمية على رأس أولوياته حتى لا يدع نفسه تنشغل بالأمور الأقل أهمية و التي تعيقه عن آداء الواجبات الهامة. لا يتعامل الموظف الفاعل مع وقته بعشوائية، بل يقوم بوضع جدول زمني مفصل في وقت سابق ليسير وفقه و الذي يسمح له بالتعامل مع الأمور الغير متوقعة و العاجلة بفاعلية من دون إحداث أي فوضى في ترتيب الواجبات.14. الفاعليةيعلم الموظف الناجح بوجود نوعان من الحلول للمشاكل التي تواجهه و هما الحلول الفعالة و الغير فعالة. يحرص الموظف الناجح على البحث عن الحلول الفعالة و إبتكارها حيث تتميز هذه الحلول عن غيرها ب
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
. Honesty is a word that you are issued adjusted a ligament in the business world and are standard which defines it as much as others and your confidence is one of the most important elements upon which to build long relationships Alomdwi workplace. Therefore, you committed to your word in all cases permanently backs next to you is your integrity to be. You must put the interests of your company in your mind always when you make all the decisions that relate to the work you have to abide by the laws of the company and their charters as you also accept full responsibility for your actions and the consequence of it. 2. Having the internal motivation that motivation and two catalyst of the most important intangible assets enjoyed by the employee and that Tjala improves performance in all his heart, and you pay to achieve more brilliant achievements that generate interest him and his team and the company, which works out as you pay to adopt innovative solutions to be effective as well as many of the positive things. These officers have a positive impact on their counterparts who work in the same company where affected enthusiastically Oolaik which increases productivity and compounding their appetite to work. 3. Initiative successful employee is not expected to provide the boss him meals that must be carried out as no one is expected to dictate to him his thoughts, or even how to implement the work, as it is the entrepreneur who works to achieve the company's goals through come up with ways creative to do his duties and working to save time and money and effort and resources. 4 for sale. Move toward certain goals if a person wants to succeed in various aspects of life, we should not lose than desired from the work being done and must try mightily busy in the performance of both Alrutinh assumptions that prevent the arrival to term. And because a successful person is a person who has a clear set of goals to achieve according to a detailed plan.. 5. Enjoy the sound communication skills of the most important factors that lead to the employee in his career progress is having the skills to communicate with an intact in the oral and written Hqiha. Also, a group communication skills that must be owned by the successful employee skill vital to listen and which allows for the person who owned that interacts with the speaker honestly and objectively analyze what he says and include fully absorbed. The listening and listening is an essential part of good communication skills and also the art of skills must be taught until his mastery of the employee succeed. 6. Energy is the energy and one of the most important factors that give the employee the ability to exert extra effort in the course of his duty, in order to achieve more accomplishments outnumbered those that belong to his colleagues exhausted. These staff will also overflowing with energy to complete what he left exhausted their colleagues behind them and they are also not afraid of taking any new duties and they are also not afraid of directing their attention toward new targets. 7. Confidence allows self-employee interaction in a professional confidence and comfort with his colleagues in the company, which works out regardless of the position he put it to work even if they were the owners of very high positions in the company. Also, the employee must be self-confident in its dealings with its customers and its suppliers as he must control himself very well until the company represents the best light in front of the other party, which offset regardless of the party that is represented by this party. 8. The possibility of relying on them that the staff the good successful in their profession are the backbone of the company that they work out where depends on them in many things, as these features Bthbathm in their quest to end the duties assigned to them and delivered to the management of the required quality, they do not abandon their work because of the intensification of circumstances because they are people Athlon professionalism High do not allow them Btejeb Company thought and their hope. Also, they are committed to their followers in the administrative hierarchy for the conduct of operations and they work constantly to inform the administration at all the things that encounter. 9. Pride feels successful employee pride and pride to work prepared perfectly loud, and this feeling makes him willing to do its utmost to ensure the quality of the final Alentjah of the work being done and so also ensures to achieve the objectives of the company very well and which accurately effort reflects to achieve them, either individual or collective effort. Pays a sense of pride felt by staff to double their effort and skip the normal limits of their ability so that they can achieve success who is giving them proud of what I have done on their hands. 10. Persistence Successful staff enjoys high insistently does not weaken before the intensification of the conditions as not to allow for anything that stands in their way and for Ieigahm achieve their goals or their eyes away from the company's goals and mission. Well, we can say that the staff members who enjoy the highest degree of commitment and determination are staying for the long term with the company they work for and do not claim anything for Aakhm achieve their goals. 11. Having analytical skills and problem-solving skills was chosen All staff working in the company for the same purpose regardless of their position that Ischgloha and duties performed by them and for this reason is the ability to various kinds of problems facing the dissolution of the company. Skills include problem-solving enjoyed by the employee's ability to identify and analyze the elements of the problem and come up with innovative solutions to address this problem and at the lowest cost possible period of time to meet a company that employs less risk of possible targets. 12 for sale. Innovation, creativity and innovation of the most important elements to solve the problem manifests itself as the simplest form of creativity in the employee to devise solutions to the problem facing it did not address the ability of the one before him. Often, these innovative solutions are the opportunity for the company to achieve its goals within the required at the lowest cost and the least border as possible. Creativity can be employed in the solution of problems in any job whether the person was a receptionist came out an innovative way to take phone calls or even come up with new advertising idea or even a new product. 13. Regulation means regulation in the context of this article the employee's ability to come up with the prioritization regulates through it time and according to the importance entrusted with the meals, and put the most important things at the top of his priorities in order not to let himself preoccupied with matters least importance and which hampered the performance of the important duties. The employee does not deal with the actor and his time randomly, but is developing a detailed schedule earlier in the Lesser and the jurisprudence and which allows him to deal with things unexpected and urgent effectively without causing any chaos in the order of duties. 14. Effectiveness knows successful employee existence of two types of solutions to the problems faced and the solutions are effective and non-effective. Successful employee is keen on the search for its innovative and effective solutions featuring these solutions from other b

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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
. True

is issued to you is the Garter. In the business world and is the standard to determine and measure the confidence of others you are one of the most important the elements upon which to build long-term relations of Alamdfy work place.Therefore, you must always abide by your word always next to you show your integrity to others.You should put your company in your mind always on the Atkhadhk all decisions relating to work you must abide by the law of company and their charters as you take responsibility for your actions. A complete and outcome implications. "2. Having intrinsic motivation!The motivation and motivation are two of the most important non tangible assets as the employee, that make him a better performance with all his heart and led him to achieve more. The outstanding achievements that will generate interest him and his team and to the company also worksTo build innovative and efficient solutions to many positive things.They have positive influence on their counterparts who work in the same company as affected by Awlak enthusiasm, increase their productivity and increase their appetite for work. "3. PSI

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