وأوضح أن الهدف من مبادرة "علي بابا" دعوة وتشجيع أعضاء الغرف السعودية للمشاركة في هذا المشروع الطموح لاستخدام التجارة الإلكترونية والاستفادة الفعلية من السوق العالمية.
He explained that the goal of "Alibaba" invite and encourage the members of Saudi Chambers to participate in this ambitious project to use electronic commerce and effective use of the global market.
He explained that the goal of "Ali Baba" initiative to invite and encourage members of the Saudi Chambers to participate in this ambitious project to use actual e-commerce and take advantage of the global market.
The aim of the "Ali Baba" to invite and encourage members of Saudi Chambers to participate in this ambitious project, the use of e-commerce, the effective use of global market.