7- عدداً كبيراً من الأطفال اللبنانيين يعيشون في فقر(ما نسبته 28 %)، وهذا ما يبقي عدد كبير من العائلات غير قادر على ضمان التنشئة السليمة والتعليم الجيد لأبنائها.
7. a large number of Lebanese children living in poverty (28%), and that's what keeps a large number of families unable to ensure the proper upbringing and a good education for their children.
7. large number of Lebanese children living in poverty (28%), and this is what keeps a large number of families unable to ensure proper upbringing and good education for their children.
7. A large number of Lebanese children living in poverty, 28%), which keeps a large number of families unable to secure upbringing. Good quality education for their children.