هل أنت تمزح . ناروتو لا يستطيع مواجهة غوكو ابدا. في الحقيقة غوكو اصلا لا يحتاج إلى أن يتحول لسايان خارق ليقاتل ناروتو فقط كاميهاميها واحدة تستطيع أن تنهي القتال لصالحه
Are you kidding. Naruto could not cope with Goku. In fact even Goku needs no supernatural lsaian turns to fight Naruto just one fighting done Kamehameha for him.
are you kidding . Naruto can not cope with Goku never. In fact Goku originally does not need to turn to supernatural Sayan Naruto to fight Kamehameha only one that can end the fight in his favor
Are you kidding. Naruto couldn"t face the Goku never. In fact, originally need not turn Lsayan superhero to fight Goku, Naruto just Kamehameha can end the fighting.