في حالة القارورات الزجاجية الموجهة لإعادة الاستعمال و المطبوعة بطريقة يتعذر محوها و التي لا تحمل لا بطاقة و لا ختما و لا معلقة، تكون البيانات الاتية فقط إلزامية
In the case of the glass bottles intended for reuse and indelible way printed and which do not carry no credit card and no seal and no pending data are derived only mandatory
In the case of glass bottles destined for reuse and printed in a way that can not be erased and do not carry no card and not a stamp and does not hold, the following data is only mandatory
In the case of glass Alqarwrat destined for reuse and a is erased and printed with no no card, no seal, no suspense, the following data the only mandatory