الطيور التي غذيت علي ذات نسبة البروتين العادي اعطت اعلي القيم وكانت كالتالي 3.91و 1.55 و 2.36جم ديسيلتر بالنسبة لكل من البروتين الكلي والالبيومين والجلوبيولين علي الترتيب
The birds that fed on normal protein gave higher values were as follows 3.91 and 1.55 and 2.36 jum DL for both total protein walalbiomin walglobiolin respectively
Birds fed with normal protein content gave the highest values were as follows 3.91 and 1.55 and 2.36 g dl for each of total protein, albumin, globulin, respectively
The birds were fed on normal protein content gave the highest values were 3.91, 1.55 and 2.36 g / dl for both total protein and Walalbywmyn Waljlwbywlyn on order