الشهيد العقيد عبدالله صيام.......دفاعا عن بيروت واستشهادا على ابوابها  translation - الشهيد العقيد عبدالله صيام.......دفاعا عن بيروت واستشهادا على ابوابها  English how to say

الشهيد العقيد عبدالله صيام.......دف

الشهيد العقيد عبدالله صيام.......
دفاعا عن بيروت واستشهادا على ابوابها هكذا دوما كان الفلسطينى يقدم روحه على مذابح الحرية والاستقلال دفاعا عن العروبة وصرحها الشامخ وهكذا دائما هو الفلسطينى نصير الوحدة المرجوة وصرخة مدوية يستمد منها كل مظلوم ومستضعف سراجا لقنديله لينير له درب بندقيته التى لن تعرف الا لغة العزف المقدس حتى تحط رحاها وقد حققت احلامه فى عالم افضل تسوده العدالة والحرية والسلام

من ارض عسقلان الطاهرة منبت الرجال وصانعة الابطال ومن قرية الجورة بالتحديد كان الميعاد مع البطل الذى لم يكن يدرى انه ترك بلاده ليكون شهيدا على ابواب عروسة العروبة بيروت

موعدنا اليوم لنعرف شخصية طواها الزمن انه ابن الجورة الابية العقيد الشهيد عبد الله صيام لم اجد الكثير عنه فاثرت ان اكتب ما سمعته واعذرونى على قلة المعلومات

ليس غريبا ان يكون الجنرال اورى ادم هو ابن الجنرال ادم والذى قتل فى معركة خلدة التى سطر فيها الشهيد صيام ورفاقه معانى الصمود وان لن تمروا الا على اجسادنا يكرر الزمان نفسه فى السنة 1982
كان الجنرال ادم يشارك فى الحرب ضد لبنان تحت قيادة ارئيل شارون استطاع ان يدمر ويحتل قرية الدامور وخرج بعد ذلك متباهيا بانتصاراته مصمما على مواصلة الطريق نحو بيروت العروبة

ولكن ارادة الله التى وضعها فى اشبال صغار استطاع فتى منهم يبلغ الرابعة عشر من عمره يغرس طلقات مسدسه فى جسد هذا الجنرال ليرديه قتيلا

كان الجنرال يبذل طاقة كبيرة وتخططيا كثير من اجل الوصول الى بيروت الى ان انصدم بعقبة وهى منطقة تسمى مثلث خلدة

ما مثلث خلدة الا طريق له تفرعات ثلاث ولكن استطاع بمعركته البطولية بتاريخ 1161982 ان يؤخر تقدم الجيش الصهيونى نحو بيروت

ان بطل هذه العملية هو العقيد الشهيد عبد الله صيام فمن هو عبد الله صيام؟

اذا نظرت اليه للوهلة الاولى فهو رجل قصير نحيل يوحى الى ناظره بصلابة الفلسطينى المقاتل فهو اسد هصور لا يعرف لغة التراجع

كلف العقيد عبد الله صيام هو ومجموعة صغيرة لا تتجاوز الاربعين شابا نصفهم من الفلسطينين والنصف الاخر من اللبنانيين مجسدين معا لغة الترابط العروبية والاسلامية دفاعا عن الشرف المهدور بين اروقة الجامعة العربية والعواصم الاسلامية

وزع العقيد عبد الله صيام مجموعته الصغيرة على بيوت ومفترقات مثلث خلدة ولا عجب امام ارادة المقاومة بان تتاخر اقوى قوة زعموا عن المسير نحو بيروت 5 ايام كاملة

كان الاسرائيليون يشنون حربهم النفسية ضد لبنان وفلسطين واستطاعوا بمناشيرهم وتهديداتهم ان يرغموا الاهالى على مغادة بيروت نحو المنطقة الشرقية حيث تقيم قوى الكتائب

عبد الله صيام لمن يكن من النوع الذى يكترث يمنشور او اذاعة يقول انه لم يقرا اى منشور ولم يسمع اى اذاعة فى ساعة الصفر وزخات الرصاص يطفىء حتى جهازه اللاسلكى انها روح الاستبسال وانه لا فر يوم الزحف
ومن ناحية اخرى فهى عملية امنية حيث لا يستطيع الاسرائيليون تحديد مواقع المقاتلين فيصبحون فى دوامة من انعدام الرؤية
حين أنجزت إسرائيل التفافها عبر الجبل، ركب عبد الله صيام سيارته وذهب إلى مثلث خلده ليكون مع مقاتليه، وهو الذي يعرف أكثر من غيره أن الموقع قد سقط عسكريا. وفي الطريق أجرى من سيارته اتصالا هاتفيا مع مقاتليه، والتقطت البوارج الاتصال، وصوبت نحو سيارته، واستشهد العقيد عبد الله صيام. لماذا أجرى الاتصال وهو يعرف النتائج؟
ولكن فخر عبد الله صيام أنه كان بداية طريق الصمود، وعلى تراثه وتراث أمثاله يبني المقاتلون الآن الملحمة الأكبر. إنه الشهيد الذي ينبثق ويتجدد في كل مكان من لبنان وفلسطين
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Martyr Colonel Abdullah Siam .......
Defense of Beirut and quotes on the doors so he always offers his soul to the Palestinian massacres of freedom and independence in defense of Arabism and Srhaa lofty and so is always the champion of the Palestinian unity desired and a loud cry from which to derive all the oppressed and the underdogFor his lamp to illuminate the path of his rifle, which will not only know the language of the Bible to play even derogatory raging has achieved his dreams of a better world of justice, freedom and peace

From the land of the pure Ashkelon maker, maker of men and heroes, and the village of Jura was specifically promised with the hero, who did not know that he left his country to be a martyr on the doors of the bride Arabism Beirut

Our appointment today to know personal forgotten time he was the son Jura proud Colonel Martyr Abdullah Siyam I did not find much about him preferring to write what I heard, and excuse me for the lack of information

It is not strange to have Gen. Uri Adam is the son of Gen. Adam, who was killed in the battle, which Khaldah line where the martyr and his companions meaning of fasting and will not withstand Tmarwa on our bodies, but repeats the same time in the year 1982
Gen. Adam was involved in the war against Lebanon under the leadership of Ariel Sharon was able to destroy and occupy the village of Damour and came out after that boasts victories determined to continue the path towards Beirut Arabism

But the will of God, which put the Cubs young boy was able to reach them are fourteen-year-old instills pistol shots in the body of this old fan Gen. dead

Gen. exert a lot of energy and a lot of Taktttiya order to reach Beirut that Ansdm snag an area called the triangle Khaldah

What triangle Khaldah only by his three forest but could Bmarkih heroic on 11 6 1982 to delay the progress of the Zionist army towards Beirut

that the hero of this process is Colonel Martyr Abdullah Siam Abdullah who is fasting?

If you look at him at first glance, he is a man short Slim revealed to sight a solidly Palestinian fighter is a lion Hsour does not know the language of the decline

Commissioned Colonel Abdullah Siam is a small group does not exceed forty young men, half of them Palestinians and the other half of the Lebanese Mgesdan knit together the language of pan-Arab and Islamic honor wasted between the corridors of the Arab League and the capitals
Distributed Colonel Abdullah Siam group of small houses and intersections triangle Khaldah no wonder that the resistance front will be delayed claimed the most powerful force on the march toward Beirut 5 full days

The Israelis are waging a psychological war against Lebanon and Palestine and were able Bmanachirehm and threats that forced people on Mgadh Beirut toward the eastern region, where she lives forces battalions

Abdullah Siam those not of the kind who cares Amnchor or radio says he has not read any publication did not hear any radio station in the zero hour and volleys switches off his radio so it's the spirit of tenacity and he fled on crawling
On the other hand it is a security operation, where Israelis can not locate the fighters leaving them in a spiral of lack of vision
While Israel completed a wrap across the mountain, Abdullah rode fast his car and went to the triangle to be immortalized with his fighters, who knows more than anyone else that the site had fallen militarily.On the way out of his car held a telephone conversation with his fighters, battleships and picked up the connection, and were aimed toward his car, and cited Colonel Abdullah Siam. Why made contact and he knows the results?
But pride Abdullah Siam it was the beginning of the road to withstand, and the legacy and heritage of his ilk builds fighters now larger saga. It martyr who emerge renewed and everywhere in Lebanon and Palestine
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Martyr Colonel Abdullah Siam ... ...
In Beirut, citing the doors so always had a spirit serves massacres Palestinian freedom and independence in defence of Arabism and its architecture, fitting and so is always the desired unity and Palestinian feminist cry loud derives all oppressed and vulnerable Of lumens to illuminate his path of the rifle will not know only the language of sacred even derogatory raging guitar and had achieved his dreams for a better world of Justice, freedom and peace

From Ashkelon pure root men and heroes, from the village of Jura, was promised with a hero who did not know that he left his country to be killed at the gates of his bride Arabism Beirut

Our day to know the personal time that Ibn Al-joura folded proud Colonel Shahid Abdullah Siam did not find much it influenced to write what I heard and excuse my lack of information

Not surprisingly, General URI Adam is the son of General Adam, who was killed in the battle of the line where the martyr Khalde of Siam and his meaning and that will go only to our repeated time himself in the year 1982
Adam was engaged in war against Lebanon under the command of Ariel Sharon managed to destroy and occupy the village of Damour and then came out with his victories determined to continue the road towards Beirut Al

But the will of God that is placed in the young cubs could a boy have a 14-year-old implanted in the body of this pistol shots General assailant dead

General exerts significant power wetkhttia to reach Beirut to ansadm snag a region called the triangle immortalized

What triangle immortalized not by his three forks but could his battle exploits on 11/6/1983 to delay the Zionist Army towards Beirut

that hero is Colonel Shahid Abdullah Siam is Abdullah Siam?

If you look at the first glance it is a short slender man suggests to warden firm Palestinian fighter is lion lion does not know the language of retreat

Colonel Abdullah Siam was assigned a small group does not exceed forty young people, half of them Palestinians and half Lebanese, thus reflecting together Arab and Islamic cohesion language honor lost between Arabic and university halls of capitals
Colonel Abdullah Siam deployed his small houses and a number of triangle immortalized no wonder before the will of the resistance that delayed the most powerful force claimed the move towards Beirut 5 full days

Israelis are waging psychological war against Lebanon and Palestine, chain saws and their threats could be forced to leave Beirut towards the eastern region where strong battalions

Abdullah Siam is not the type who cares ymnshor or radio says he didn't read any publication and did not hear any radio in zero hour and even change his volleys wireless it spirit of tenacity and he fled the day crawling
On the other hand, is a security operation where Israelis can locate combatants become a spiral of lack of vision
While Israel wrap completed across the mountain, Abdullah rode fast car and went to a triangle immortalized to be with his fighters, who know more than any other that the site has fallen. In the way of his telephone conversation with his fighters, battleships, and picked up and corrected some of his car, he cited Colonel Abdullah Siam. Why I made the call and he knows the consequences?
But pride Abdullah Siam was the beginning of the road and on the heritage and legacy of the times building is now the biggest saga fighters. That martyr that emerges is renewed in every part of Lebanon and Palestine
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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
The martyr Colonel Abdullah Siam ...
In defense of Beirut to borrow from the doors so always serves the Palestinian soul on the massacres of freedom and independence in defense of Arabism وصرحها Shamekh is thus always advocate Palestinian unity and a cry loud desired from which all oppressed and oppressedلقنديله لينير has trained his gun, which would be known only the language of playing the sacred until landing place has achieved his dreams for a better world in which justice, freedom and peace

from the ground Ashkelon pure whiskey maker, men from the village of Al Goura heroes precisely the time with the hero, who did not know that he left his country to be a martyr on the doors of bride Arabism Beirut

limelight today to know unearthed personal time that he was the son of Colonel Al Goura proud martyr Abdullah Siam, I did not have much of it and they affect the type I heard forgive lack of information

It is not strange that General Uri Adam is the son of General Adam, who was killed in a battle in which the martyr line Khaldeh, Siam and his companions the meanings of steadfastness and not only on our تمروا reiterates the same time in the year 1982
The General Adam Participates in the war against Lebanon under the leadership of Ariel Sharon was able to destroy the Damour village and went out after the victories smugly is determined to continue the road to Beirut Arabism

But the will of God, which developed in the cubs young boy had been able to reach them ten-year-old fourth Introjects his pistol shots in the body of this general Kumar dead

The general Make Big Power وتخططيا many for access to Beirut to the انصدم ran a so-called "triangle of Khaldeh

The triangle of Khaldeh, but through its three branches, but was able to delves into his heroic on 11 6 1982 to delay the Zionist army toward Beirut

that the hero of this process is the colonel martyr Abdullah Siam it is Abdullah Siam?

If you look at a first glance it is a man short to transmit suggests to the warden solidly militant Palestinian is a lion هصور does not know the language of retreat

assigned Colonel Abdullah Siam is a small group that does not exceed forty young Palestinians, half of them from the other half of the Lebanese Deputy Director-General together language of interdependence Arabism and Islamic spilled in defense of honor between the corridors and capitals and Arab League
deployment of Colonel Abdullah Siam, small group homes, intersections Khelda triangle and no wonder before the will of the resistance that delayed the strongest force claimed the walking toward Beirut 5 full days

The Israelis have been waging psychological war against Lebanon and Palestine and were able to chain saws, accompanied by and threats that forced people to leave Beirut toward the east, where the forces of the Brigades

Abdullah Siam, who was not of the type that cares يمنشور or Radio says he did not read any publication and did not hear any Radio in zero hour expecting bullets turns to wireless device is the spirit of show heroism and that fled on crawl
Meanwhile, it is a process where security does not Israelis can identify sites belatedly fighters in a spiral of lack of vision
While Israel has completed curled across the mountain, install Abdullah Siam, his car and went to the triangle of Khalda to be with his fighters, who knows more than others that the site had fallen soldiers.On the way from his car a phone call with his fighters, and battleships contact, and corrected toward his car, he cited Colonel Abdullah Siam. Why the call and know the results?
But pride of Abdullah Siam, that was the beginning of the resistance, and tripled its heritage and Heritage builds biggest epic fighters now. that the martyr which emerges is renewed in every place of Lebanon and Palestine
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