عملي يشبهني وطموحاتي العملية تشبه إلى حدٍ كبير الطريق الذي أسلكه الآن، وتكوين الخبرة العملية والعلمية هو الخطوة الأولى وما زال أمامي الكثير من الطموحات الشخصية والعملية للمستقبل
My work looks like me and my ambitions process much like the way you take now, practical experience and scientific formation is the first step and I still have a lot of personal ambitions and the process for the future
Practical like me and my ambitions process is very similar to the way that Oslleke now extent, the formation of practical and scientific experience is the first step I've still got a lot of personal and professional ambitions for the future
I like me Wtmwhaty process, much like the way which take. Now, practical experience and scientific step first I still have a lot of personal ambition and process for the future