حبيبي أن الساعة في بلدي الآن الواحده بعد منتصف الليل و انا ما زلت أفكر فيك ولا أستطيع النوم .. الساعة لديكم الآن 7 أليس كذلك .. من المؤكد انك نائم الآن .. وأنا يجب علي أن انام .. أتمنى أن أحلم بك هذه الليله ايضا
Habibi that my clock now after midnight and I'm still thinking of you and I can't sleep. The time you now have 7 right. You must be sleeping now. I have to sleep. I hope I dream of you tonight too.
Habibi that time in my now one o'clock and I still think about you and I can not sleep .. The time you have now 7, is not it .. Surely you are asleep now .. I have to sleep .. I hope that your dream tonight also
Baby in my now. After midnight, I still thought about you, and I can't sleep. At 7 you have now, isn't it. Surely you're asleep now. I have to sleep. I hope to dream of you tonight.