- تعديلات على المعيار الدولي الخاص بالتقارير المالية رقم (10) ومعيار المحاسبة الدولي رقم (28): بيع أو المساهمة في الموجودات بين المستثمر وشركتة الزميلة، أو المشروع المشترك التابع له
-Amendments to international financial reporting standard (10) and IAS (28): selling or contributing to investor assets and his associates, or its joint venture
- Amendments to the Financial Reporting No. international standard (10) and the International Accounting Standard No. (28): sale or to contribute to the assets between the investor and his company associates, or joint venture of him
Amendments to the international financial reporting standard (IAS 10) No. (28), or contribute to the sale of an asset Wshrktt a colleague, or a joint venture with the