يوفر الطرف الاول للطرف الثاني مساعدة ونجدة الطريق في حالة حدوث عطل مفاجئ او حادث، كما يتم نقل السيارات المعطلة لمراكز الاصلاح وذلك على نفقة الطرف الثاني
The first party to the second party help and rescue route in case of a sudden breakdown or accident, broken cars are also transferred to reform centres at the expense of the party of the second part
First party provides the second party and help the rescue of the road in case of a sudden breakdown or accident, are also stalled cars to transport centers reform at the expense of the second party
The first party provides second party to help safeguard the route in the event of a malfunction or accident, and transfer the idle car repair centers, at the expense of second party