لم يتم الربط مع مكتب العمل لبعض الموظفين الجدد لإصدار كروت العمل وقمنا بإرسال مندوبنا في عرعر السيد / فهد الابراهيم وذلك لمتابعة الأمر لدى مكتب عمل محافظة عرعر
Not connecting with the Employment Office for some new employees for the issuance of work cards we send our Juniper Mr./Fahad Al-Ibrahim and to follow up the work of the Office of governorate of Arar
No linkage with the work of some of the new staff office for the issuance of work cards and have sent our representative in Mr. Arar / Fahad Al Ibrahim in order to follow up the work of the Office of the province of Arar
Never be associated with the work for some new employees produce business cards and we send our representative to Arar, Mr. Fahad al Ibrahim in follow up to the work area Juniperus