يتكون رأس المال المصرح به، والمصدر والمدفوع بالكامل للبنك من 500 مليون سهم، قيمة كل سهم 10 ريالات سعودية ( 2014: 400 مليون سهم قيمة كل سهم 10 ريالات سعودية).
Authorized capital consists, source and paid in full for the Bank from 500 million shares, the value per share 10 Saudi riyals (2014:400 million shares per share 10 Saudi riyals).
Authorized capital consists, the issued and fully paid to the bank of 500 million shares, the value of each share is SR10 (2014: 400 million shares, the value of each share is SR10).
The composition of the authorized capital of 500000000 shares, issued and paid in full to the bank, the value of SAR 10 per share (2014: 400000000 shares, value of each share 10 SAR).