اهلا كيف انتي حبيبتي كاندل كيف صباحك اليوم لقد اشتريت اليوم فطور من الخارج وبصراحة انا لا اريد الا فطورك ومن يدك الحلوه اتمني لك السعادة في حياتك الزوجية
Hi How are you baby Kendall how morning today I bought today breakfast outside and frankly I don't want breakfast and sweet hand I wish you happiness in your marriage
Welcome How You are my dear Kandel how your morning today I bought breakfast today from the outside, and frankly I do not want your breakfast, but it is sweet hand I wish you happiness in your married life
Hi how are you my candle how, today I bought today breakfast outside, and frankly I don"t want your breakfast and your hand is sweet, I wish you happiness in your life. Marital