مرحبا بأعز بلادي.كيف حالك يا عزيزي؟ أمل أن كل ما جيد مع لك ولعائلتك؟أن translation - مرحبا بأعز بلادي.كيف حالك يا عزيزي؟ أمل أن كل ما جيد مع لك ولعائلتك؟أن English how to say

مرحبا بأعز بلادي.كيف حالك يا عزيزي؟

مرحبا بأعز بلادي.
كيف حالك يا عزيزي؟ أمل أن كل ما جيد مع لك ولعائلتك؟
أنا سعيد جداً قراءة البريد الخاص بك، شكرا جزيلا لأخذ الوقت الكافي للرد على البريد الخاص بي.

اسمي دولفون شارون، أنا ابنه واحد من والدي، الدكتور فيليب دولفون، أنا 22 سنة عمر، الارتفاع 4.8 قدم طويل القامة، عادلة في بشرة (مفرد) وأنا من (الصومال في أفريقيا)، كنت ادرس التمريض في الجامعة قبل بدء الأزمة السياسية في بلدي الذي قاد إلى حرب أهلية دامية والأسف أنه أودى بحياة تلك بلدي الحبيب ، بلدي الأصل واقاربي، وأعيش في حالة محبطة/مؤلمة الآن. يا عزيزي، أنا مرور فترة عصيبة أكثر من هنا، وحالتي هنا حرجة للغاية ولا يطاق.

أنا حاليا مقيم في مخيم اللاجئين هنا في داكار بالسنغال نتيجة للحرب الأهلية التي حاربت في بلدي. بلدي الراحل الدكتور الأب فيليب دولفون كان واحداً من المستشار الشخصي لرئيس الدولة السابق قبل أن المتمردين هاجموا منزلنا واحد من الصباح الباكر وقتل إخواني وأختي الأصغر سنا وبلدي الأم بدم بارد. وأنا البقاء على قيد الحياة فقط من أصل 5 في الأسرة. وكان والدي أيضا رجل الأعمال ناجح دولية. تعامل على معدات المستشفى، وهو توفير السلع إلى فرنسا، جنوب أفريقيا، السنغال إلخ.

تمكنت من جعل طريقي لحياتي إلى السنغال حيث أنني يعيشون الآن كلاجئ. ليس لدى أي قريب الآن وجميع اقاربي ركض بعيداً في وسط الحرب وقتل البعض منهم، بعض لا يمكن العثور على. الرجاء أنا حقاً بحاجة إلى مساعدتكم إذا أمكن لك لأنني لست مرتاحاً البقاء هنا أطول، وأريد الخروج من هذا المخيم ومواصلة دراستي.

وفي الوقت نفسه، لدى شيء السرية التي سوف مثل الكشف عن لك، وسوف ترغب في مناقشة شيء حول هذا الموضوع معك ولكن أنا بحاجة إلى أن تعرف عليك أكثر. وسوف نرسل لك صوري، والسبب الذي اتصل بك في أقرب وقت أتلقى وعد الاستجابة الخاصة بك سوف تساعدني.
أنا أتوقع أن نسمع منك.
أفضل، الصدد، دولفون شارون.
مرحبا يا أعز الناس.
كيف حالك يا عزيزي؟ آمل أن كل شيء على ما يرام مع لك ولعائلتك؟
أنا سعيد جدا لقراءة البريد الخاص بك، شكرا جزيلا لأخذ وقتك للرد بريدي. اسمي شارون Dulfon، أنا ابنة واحدة من والدي الدكتور فيليب Dulfon ، عمري 22 سنة من العمر، طويل القامة الطول 4.8ft ونزيهة في البشرة (واحد) أنا من (الصومال في أفريقيا)، كنت أدرس التمريض في الجامعة قبل الأزمة السياسية في بلدي مما أدى إلى حرب أهلية دامية بدأت وللأسف انها أودت بحياة أحبائي الحبيب، والدي وأقاربي وأنا أعيش في حالة محبطة / مؤلمة الآن. يا عزيزي، أنا تمر بوقت عصيب أكثر من هنا، هنا بلدي حالة حرجة للغاية ولا تطاق. أنا المقيمين حاليا في مخيم للاجئين هنا في داكار السنغال بسبب الحرب الأهلية التي اندلعت في بلدي. كان والدي الراحل الدكتور فيليب Dulfon واحدة من المستشار الشخصي لرئيس الدولة السابق قبل ان المتمردين هاجموا منزلنا واحدة في الصباح الباكر وقتلت أخوتي، أختي الأصغر والأم بلدي بدم بارد. أنا بقاء الوحيد للخروج من 5 في الأسرة. كان والدي أيضا رجل أعمال دولي ناجح. وتطرق على معدات المستشفيات، وتزويد البضائع إلى فرنسا وجنوب أفريقيا والسنغال وغيرها. تمكنت من جعل طريقي لحياتي إلى السنغال حيث أعيش الآن كلاجئ. ليس لدي أي قريب الآن، ركض جميع أقاربي بعيدا في منتصف الحرب وقتل بعضهم، بعض لا يمكن العثور عليه. الرجاء انا حقا بحاجة الى مساعدتكم إذا أمكن بالنسبة لك لأنني لست مرتاحا للبقاء هنا لفترة أطول، أريد الخروج من هذا المعسكر ومواصلة دراستي. وفي الوقت نفسه، لدي شيء سري الذي أنا لن أود أن تكشف لكم وسوف ترغب في مناقشة شيء عن ذلك معك ولكن أريد أن أعرف أكثر من ذلك. سأرسل لك صوري والسبب اتصلت عليك في أقرب وقت أنا أستلم وعد ردكم التي سوف تساعدني. انا أتوقع أن نسمع منك. أفضل، الصدد، شارون Dulfon.
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Hello my dearest.How are you my dear? I hope everything is good with you and your family?I am very happy to read your mail, thanks for taking the time to reply to my mail.My name is Sharon dolfon, I am the daughter of one of the parents, Dr. Philip dolfon, I'm 22 years old, height 4.8 ft tall, fair in complexion (single) and I (Somalia), I was studying nursing at the University prior to the start of the political crisis in my country, which led to bloody civil war and unfortunately it killed my beloved, my origin and my relatives, live in a frustrating situation/painful now. Oh dear, I'm a tough over here, and my case here is very critical and unbearable.I'm currently living in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war fought in my country. My late father Dr Philip dolfon was one of the personal adviser to the former head of State before the rebels attacked our House one early morning and killed my brothers and sister younger and my mother in cold blood. I just survive out of 5 in the family. My father was also a successful businessman. Treated on hospital equipment, providing goods to France, South Africa, Senegal, etc.I managed to make my way to my life to Senegal, where I now live as refugees. I don't have any close now and all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war, some were killed, some cannot be found. Please I really need your help if you because I'm not comfortable staying here longer, I want to get out of the camp and continue my studies.At the same time, I have something secret that would like detecting you, and would like to discuss something about this topic with you but I need to know you more. Will send you my photos, why contact you as soon as I receive your response promised will help me.I expect to hear from you.Best, connection, dolfon.Hello my dearest.How are you my dear? I hope everything is fine with you and your family?I am very happy to read your mail, thanks for taking your time to answer my post. My name is Sharon Dulfon, I am the daughter of one of the parents of Dr. Philip Dulfon, I am 22 years old, height 4.8 ft tall, fair in complexion (single) I (Somalia), I was studying nursing at University before in my political crisis which led to bloody civil war started and unfortunately it killed my beloved, my parents and my relatives and I live in a frustrating situation/painful now. Oh dear, I'm going through a hard time over here, here's my situation very critical and unbearable. I'm currently residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal due to civil war, which broke out in my country. My dad was the late Dr. Philip Dulfon, one of the personal adviser to the former head of State before the rebels attacked our House one early morning and killed my brother, my sister and my mother in cold blood. I'm the only survival out of 5 in the family. My father was also a successful international businessman. Turning on hospital equipment and supply goods to France, South Africa, Senegal and others. I managed to make my way to my life to Senegal where I now live as refugees. I don't have any close now, all my relatives ran away in the middle of a war and some were killed, some cannot be found. Please I really need your help if possible for you because I'm not comfortable staying here longer, I want to get out of this camp and continue my studies. At the same time, I have something I would like the series to reveal to you will want to discuss about this with you, but I want to know more. I will send you my photos and why I contacted you as soon as I receive your reply promised that will help me. I expect to hear from you. Best, connection, Sharon Dulfon.
Being translated, please wait..
Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Hello my most cherished.
How are you, dear? Hope that all that well with you and your family?
I am very happy to read your mail, thank you for taking the time to respond to your mail me very much. My name is Dolfon Sharon, I am the daughter of one of my father, Dr. Philip Dolfon, I am 22 years old age, height 4.8 feet tall, fair in complexion (single) and I'm from (Somalia in Africa), I was studying nursing at the university before the start of the political crisis in the country, which has led to a bloody civil war and regret that claimed the lives of those my beloved, my origin and my relatives, and I live in a frustrating case / painful now. Oh dear, I passed a difficult period over here, and my case is very critical and unbearable. I am currently resident in the refugee camp here in Dakar, Senegal, as a result of the civil war that fought in my country. My late father, Dr. Philip Dolfon was one of the personal adviser to the former head of state before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed the younger brothers and my mother and my sister in cold blood. I just stay alive out of 5 in the family. He was also my father's successful international businessman. Deal on hospital equipment, the provision of goods to France, South Africa, Senegal and so on. I managed to make my way to Senegal for my life where I am living now as a refugee. I do not have any close now and all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war and killed some of them, some can not be found. Please I really need your help if possible you because I am not comfortable to stay here longer, and I want to get out of this camp and to continue my studies. At the same time, I have something secret that you will like the disclosure of you, you will want to discuss anything about this subject with you, but I need to know you more. We will send you my photos, and the reason that contact you as soon as I receive the promise of your own will help me respond. I expect to hear from you. Best, regard, Dolfon Sharon. hello my dearest. How are you, dear? I hope that everything goes well with you and your family? I am very happy to read your mail, thank you for taking your time to answer my very much. My name is Sharon Dulfon, I am the daughter of one of my father, Dr. Philip Dulfon, I am 22 years of age, tall height 4.8ft and fair in complexion (one) I'm from (Somalia in Africa), I was studying nursing at the university before the political crisis in my country, resulting in to a bloody civil war began and unfortunately it claimed the lives of my loved ones beloved, my parents and my relatives and I live in a frustrating / painful condition now. Oh dear, I'm going through a rough time over here, here's my very critical state and unbearable. I am currently living in a refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal due to the civil war that broke out in my country. My father was the late Dr. Philip Dulfon one of the personal adviser to the former head of state before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my brothers, younger sister and my mother in cold blood. I only stay out of the 5 in the family. My father was also a successful international business. Turning to hospital equipment, and supplying goods to France, South Africa, Senegal and others. I managed to make my way to Senegal for my life where I live now as a refugee. I do not have any close now, all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war and some of them killed, some can not be found. Please, I really need your help if possible for you because I'm not comfortable to stay here longer, I want to get out of this camp and to continue my studies. At the same time, I have something secret, which I will not reveal to you that I will want to discuss about it with you, but I want to know more. I will send you my photos and the reason I called you as soon as I receive your reply promised that will help me. I expect to hear from you. Best, regard, Sharon Dulfon.

Being translated, please wait..
Results (English) 3:[Copy]
Welcome to my best. "How are you, dear? Hope all is well with you and your family?" I am very happy to read your mail, thank you very much for taking the time to reply my mail.

My name Dwlfwn Sharon, I am the daughter of one of my parents, Dr. Philip Dwlfwn, I'm 22 years old, height 4.8 feet tall, fair in complexion single) and in Africa (Somalia), I've been studying nursing in the League before the start of the political crisis in our country, which led to a bloody civil war and regret that took the life of my beloved ones, my original WaqarbyIn the case of frustrated / painful now.Oh dear, I'm over period of time over here, my here is extremely critical and tolerable.

I am presently residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that fought in my country.
Being translated, please wait..
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