ماكو اذن من احد راح اجي علي تركيا بعد علي بلغاريا بعدين علي المانيا اسبوع بس طريق الي المانيا راح اترك جيش لا ما عندي اي احد ماذا ستفعل؟ هل لديك المال؟ نيجيرفان لا تحبني؟
Mako permission from a rah AJI to Turkey after a two week Bulgaria on Germany BAS road to Germany claimed leave armyNot my someoneWhat would you do? Do you have money?Nechirvan don't love me?
MACON permission from a claimed Lage on Turkey to Bulgaria after two dimensions over Germany a week Bs route to Leave Germany claimed the army does not have any one what what do you do? Do you have money? Nechirvan do not love me?
Mako then nobody will Agee to Turkey to Bulgaria, but through to Germany, then to Germany on a will leave the army does not have any a - of don't love me? Do you have money?