يقر الطرف الثاني بعدم استخدام السيارات في اي نشاط غير قانوني كجمل وتجارة السلاح والمخدرات كما يحذر ان يكون قائد السيارة تحت تاثير اي نوع من انواع المخدر
Second party acknowledges not to use cars in any illegal activity such as drug and arms trade clauses also warns that the driver is under the influence of any kind of drug.
Second party acknowledges not to use the car in any illegal activity camel, and the arms trade and drugs also warns the driver to be under the influence of any kind of drug
The second party not to use the car in any illegal activity Kjml and trade in arms, drugs and warns the driver of the car can be under the effect of any kind of drugs.