يتم اختيار الوظيفة المُصنفه في حالة أن تكون الوظيفة التي سيعمل عليها المتعاقد تتيح له الاطلاع أو العمل على وثائق ومعدات وتجهيزات عسكرية بتصنيف سري فأعلى
Top rated job is chosen in case a job that would allow him to see her contractor or work on documents and equipment and military equipment classified confidential and above
Position classified be selected in the case that the job will be contracted out or allow him to see the work on the documents and military equipment and equipment classified secret and above
Almusnfh function is selected in the case that the function that contractor will allow it to access and work on documents, military equipment and classified secret or higher.