حدثها النبي في أذنها، فبكت أكثر. فلما بكتقال لها النبي: (أدنو مني يا ف translation - حدثها النبي في أذنها، فبكت أكثر. فلما بكتقال لها النبي: (أدنو مني يا ف English how to say

حدثها النبي في أذنها، فبكت أكثر. فل

حدثها النبي في أذنها، فبكت أكثر. فلما بكت

قال لها النبي: (أدنو مني يا فاطمه)

فحدثها مرة أخر في اذنهاى، فضحكت .....

بعد وفاته سئلت ماذا قال لك النبي

فقالت: قال لي في المره الأولى: (يا فاطمه، إني ميت الليلة) فبكيت

فلما وجدني أبكي قال: (يا فاطمه، أنتي أول أهلي لحاقاً بي) فضحكت

تقول السيدة عائشه: ثم قال النبي: (أخرجوا من عندي في البيت) وقال: (ادنو مني يا عائشه)

فنام النبي على صدر زوجته، ويرفع يده للسماء
ويقول: (بل الرفيق الأعلى، بل الرفيق الأعلى)

تقول السيدة عائشه: فعرفت أنه يخير..

ودخل سيدنا جبريل على النبي
وقال: يارسول الله، ملك الموت بالباب، يستأذن أن يدخل عليك، وما استأذن علي أحد من قبلك

فقال النبي: (ائذن له يا جبريل)

فدخل ملك الموت على النبي

وقال: السلام عليك يا رسول الله، أرسلني الله أخيرك، بين البقاء في الدنيا وبين أن تلحق بالله

فقال النبي: (بل الرفيق الأعلى، بل الرفيق الأعلى)

ووقف ملك الموت عند رأس النبي

أيتها الروح الطيبه
روح محمد بن عبد الله
أخرجي إلى رضا من الله و رضوان
ورب راض غير غضبان

تقول السيدة عائشه: فسقطت يد النبي وثقلت رأسه على صدري
فعرفت أنه قد مات
فلم أدر ما أفعل
فما كان مني غير أن خرجت من حجرتي
وفتحت بابي الذي يطل علي الرجال في المسجد وأقول
مات رسول الله، مات رسول الله

تقول: فانفجر المسجد بالبكاء
فهذا علي بن أبي طالب أقعد
وهذا عثمان بن عفان كالصبي يؤخذ بيده يمنى ويسرى
وهذا عمر بن الخطاب يرفع سيفه ويقول من قال أنه قد مات قطعت رأسه
إنه ذهب للقاء ربه كما ذهب موسي للقاء ربه وسيعود ويقتل من قال أنه قد مات

أما أثبت الناس فكان
أبوبكر الصديق رضي الله عنه دخل علي النبي واحتضنه
وقال: وآآآ خليلاه، وآآآ صفياه، وآآآ حبيباه، وآآآ نبياه وقبل النبي

وقال: طبت حياً وطبت ميتاً يا رسول الله.

ثم خرج يقول: من كان يعبد محمد فإن محمداً قد مات، ومن كان يعبد الله فإن الله حي لا يموت
ويسقط السيف من يد عمر بن الخطاب،

يقول: فعرفت أنه قد مات

ويقول: فخرجت أجري أبحث عن مكان أجلس فيه وحدي لأبكي وحدي

ودفن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

والسيده فاطمة تقول: أطابت أنفسكم أن تحثوا التراب علي وجه النبي
ووقفت تنعي النبي
وتقول: يا أبتاه، أجاب ربا دعاه، يا أبتاه، جنة الفردوس مأواه، يا أبتاه، الى جبريل ننعاه.

اخواني .. انا متاكد ان عيونكم ابتلت بالدموع وقلوبكم اشتاقت لرؤية نبينا الرحمة المهداه والسراج المبين . ولكن بحول الله وقوته موعدنا جميعا معه عليه الصﻻة والسﻻم عند الحوض ...

برجاء ارسلها لغيرك .لننعم جميعا بحب نبينا
اللهم اجعلنا جميعا ووالدينا واقاربنا من أهل جنة النعيم ومجاورين نبينا وحبيبنا وقرة اعيننا محمد صلوات ربي وسلامه عليه

لو انها قصة عن المال والدنيا لما تأخرنا في تداولها . لا تقول إنها طويلة أو لا أحد يقرأها أو قديمة احتسب الاجر واحسن النية
From: Arabic
To: English
Results (English) 1: [Copy]
حدثها prophet in her ear, wept more. When he cried

Prophet said to her: (أدنو me Oh Fatima)

Vhaddtha the time else in Aznhay, laughed .....

After his death, she was asked what he said to you the Prophet

said: He told me the first time: (Oh Fatima , I'm dead tonight) I cried

When he found me crying, said: (O Fatima, Ante first native to حاقا me) laughed

says Ms. Aisha said: Then the Prophet said: (Get out of my home) and said: (ادنو me, Oh Aisha)

slept Prophet on the chest of his wife, and raise his hand to the sky
says:(But the higher ranks, but the Supreme Comrade)

says Ms. Aisha said: I knew that given the choice ..

and entered Jibreel to the Prophet
said: O Messenger of God, the Angel of Death at the door, asking permission to enter you, and ask permission to one of you

The Prophet said: (Let him, O Jibreel)

And he went in the Angel of Death to the Prophet

said: Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah, God sent me Okhirk, between staying in this world and to cause God

Prophet said: (but the higher ranks, but the Supreme Comrade)

and stop the Angel of Death at the head of the Prophet

O good soul
The spirit of Mohammed bin Abdullah
come out to the satisfaction of God and Radwan
Lord satisfied is not angry

says Ms. Aisha: I fell down the hands of the Prophet and heavy, his head on my chest
I knew he was dead
did not turn what I do
what was to me is that came out of my room
And opened my door that overlooks the men in the mosque and say
Matt Messenger of Allah, the Messenger of Allah died

says: mosque burst into tears
This is Ali bin Abi Talib sit
That Osman Ibn Affan Kabba, taken his right and left hand
This is Omar ibn al-Khattab raises his sword and say who said he had died beheaded
he went to meet his Lord as he went Musi to meet his Lord will return and be killed, said he had died

As proved people was
Abu Bakr may Allah be pleased with him entered the Prophet and embraced
said:And AAA Khalilah, and AAA Sfiah, and AAA Habibah, and AAA Nbeah and by the Prophet

said: blessed alive and blessed dead, O Messenger of God.

Then came out to say: Who was worshiped Muhammad, Muhammad has died, and those who worship God, God's neighborhood does not die
and drops the sword from the hand of Omar ibn al-Khattab,

Says: I knew he was dead

says: I went out was carried out looking for a place I sit in it alone to cry alone

and buried the Prophet peace be upon him

and Ms. Fatima says: أطابت yourselves to urge the dirt on the face of the Prophet
and stood mourns the Prophet
says:O Father, Lord called him answered, My Father, the abode paradise, My Father, to Jibril Nnaah.

ÇÎćÇäí .. I am sure that eyes afflicted with tears and your hearts اشتاقت the to see the Prophet Mercy for children and OS described.But by the Grace of God and strength of our appointment together with him peace and blessings be upon him at the aquarium ...

Please send it to someone else. Blessed with all the love of our Prophet
O Allah, make us all, our parents and our relatives of the people of paradise and neighboring Prophet and beloved apple of our eyes Muhammad peace and blessings of God be upon

if it's a story about money and what we're late in the minimum circulation.Says it is not long or not a read or old referee wage and best intentioned
Being translated, please wait..
Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Updated the Prophet in her ear, she cried more. When she cried the Prophet said to her

: (I approach me ya Fatma)

, updated again in azenhai, I laughed ...

after his death was asked what the Prophet said to you

she said to me the first time: (Hey Fatima, I Mitt tonight) I cried

When him crying said: (o Fatima, ante first native overtaking me) I laughed

says Ms. Aisha: the Prophet then said: (get out of my house) said: (Oh Aisha I approach me)

, Nam Nabi on his wife, and raised his hand to heaven
says: (But Allâh, but Allâh) Mrs. Aisha

says: it is known that choice.

And Gabriel to Prophet
said: God, King of the ppbu death door, ask to enter you, and ask permission to one of you

the Prophet said: (give him, Gabriel)

The Angel of death came to Prophet

said: peace be upon you, o Messenger of Allah, Allah sent me I enable to choose you, stay in the cause of God

the Prophet said: (but Allâh, but Allâh)

and the Angel of death at the head of the Prophet and said:

good spiritThe spirit of Muhammad Ibn Abdullah
get out to the satisfaction of God and Radwan
and RB non-Ghadban satisfied

says Ms. Aisha: the Prophet's hand fell and pull his head on my chest

died knew that they did not know what I do
what was me but I went out of my room
And opened my door on the men in the mosque and say
Matt Messenger of Allah, the Messenger of God died

it says: the mosque exploded in tears
this is Ali bin Abi Talib crippled
and that Uthman Ibn affan as a boy taken by right-handed and left hand
The Omar Bin Al Khattab raised his sword and say he died decapitated
he went to meet his Lord as Musa went to meet his Lord, will kill of he died either proved people

it was
Abu Bakr may Allah be pleased with him came to the Prophet and hug him
said: His friends, his best friend and AAA and AAA, AAA, AAA his sweethearts his prophets before Prophet

said: further requested alive and further requested meta o Messenger of God.

then output says: whoever worshipped Muhammad, Muhammad is dead, whoever worshipped God, God does not die neighborhood
and the sword falls from the hands of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab,

Says: I knew it was dead

says it came up was looking for a place where I sit alone to cry alone

and buried the Prophet

and Ms. Fatima says: when yourselves to urge the dirt in the Prophet Prophet mourns stood

says: Oh, father, God answered him, my father, his shelter, my paradise father, Jibril we announce the death of him.

brothers. I'm sure that plagues the eyes with tears and hearts missed to see the Prophet of mercy donated OS described. But about God and all our strength with him blessings and peace upon the pelvis ...

Please send it to someone else to enjoy all our love
Oh God, make us all and our parents and our relatives from the people of paradise and nearby our beloved Apple of our eyes Admin prayers may God him

if it is a story about money and what minimum delay. Does she or does anyone read or older calculated pay and best intentions
Being translated, please wait..
Results (English) 3:[Copy]
updated by the prophet in her ear, so she cried more. When she cried

the Prophet said: (get closer to me, Oh Fatima)

once again." And he spoke to her, and she laughed and another in اذنهاى .....

after his death was asked what he said to you the prophet

she said: He said to me in the first time: (, Oh Fatima, I am dead last night) me,' so

When he saw me crying, he said: (, Oh Fatima, you are the first one among my folks to follow) and she laughed

says Ms. Aisha said: Then the Prophet said: (out of my house) and said: (get closer to me, Oh Aisha)

the Prophet slept on his wife, and raises his hand sky
says:(supreme companion, the supreme companion)

says Ms. Aisha said: I knew he gives..

and entered our Lord Gabriel to The Prophet
he said: "Oh Messenger of God, the king of death section, permission to enter into you, and ask for permission to one of you

the Prophet said: (unto Him, Jibril)

Then he entered the king of death to the Prophet

he said: Peace be upon you, Oh Messenger of God, God sent me unto, between staying in the world and to God

the Prophet said: (supreme companion, the supreme companion)

the king of death at the head of the Prophet

O good spirit
The spirit of Mohammed bin Abdullah
get out to the satisfaction of God, Radwan
the employer and was satisfied with non-Ghadban

says Ms. Aisha said: "So the hand of the Prophet his head on my chest
I knew he had died
did not turn what do
what was me not out of my room
and opened the door, which overlooks the men in the mosque and say
died, the Messenger of Allah, Allah's Messenger died

says: bunker and tears mosque
this Ali Bin Abi Taleb crippled
this Othman Bin Affan here applies his Yemeni
This is Omar Bin Al-Khattab lifting his sword and says, said that he had died beheaded
he went to meet his Lord and Moses went to meet his Lord, and he will come back and kill whoever said he was dead

the people was
Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, the Prophet Saeeda
said:وااا خليلاه, وااا صفياه, وااا حبيباه, وااا نبياه

before the Prophet said: Commission requested alive وطبت Dead, Oh Messenger of God.

then he went out and said: "To whoever worshiped Mohammad, had died, and was worshiped God, God is alive and does not die
and drops the sword of by Omar Bin Al-Khattab,

He says: I knew he had died

says: Basim conducted search for the place where I sit alone to cry and beg alone

and buried the prophet, peace be upon him

An were greeted at Fatima says: Al Hurra. yourselves, تحثوا dust on the face of the Prophet
stood mourns the prophet
says:Oh my father, answered him usury, oh my father, Paradise paradise is his abode, oh my father, to Gabriel we notify of his death..

my brothers .. I am sure that your eyes wet with tears hearts while I touch missed to see our prophet mercy المهداه والسراج indicated.But God willing and strength for all of us with prayers and peace upon him when the lap ...

please sent for others .blessed all love our prophet
Oh God, give us may Allah bless him and all of the people of the Garden of Bliss ومجاورين Prophet Mohammad prayers totally fondness the grace our eyes and my Lord it

if it is a story of money and lower the delayed in circulation.Do not say it long or no one reads or old calculated remuneration and best intention
Being translated, please wait..
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