أنا آسف ولكن كنت أعرف الكثير من ما حاولت أن أقوله هو اللغز. أنا أكره ذلك أيضا وسأحاول الحصول على الترجمة أفضل. وأتساءل عما إذا كنت تحب الاستيقاظ لبلدي روميو المحبة ولم أحصل عليه بشكل كبير مرة أخرى؟
I'm sorry but I know a lot of what I tried to say is the puzzle. I hate it too and I'll try to get a better translation. I wonder if you love waking up to my Romeo love and didn't get it considerably again?
I'm sorry, but I knew a lot of what I tried to say is the puzzle. I also hate it and I'll try to get the best translation. I wonder if you love waking up to my love Romeo did not get him hard again?
I'm sorry but I know a lot of what I'm saying is a puzzle. I hate it too, but I will try to get a better translation. I wonder if you like waking up to Romeo, my love and I get back?