أما المتطلبات النقدية بموجب الاعتمادات المستندية وخطابات الضمان فإنها تقل كثيراً عن المبلغ الملتزم به لعدم توقع المجموعة قيام الطرف الثالث بسحب الأموال بموجب الاتفاقية
Cash requirements under letters of credit and letters of guarantee they are far below the amount obligated for not anticipating the Group third party to withdraw funds under the Convention
Cash requirements under letters of credit and letters of guarantee, we are far below the amount of the commitment of the Group will not expect the third party to draw funds under the Convention
Monetary requirements under letters of credit, letters of credit, it falls far short of the amount committed not to expect a third party to withdraw funds under the Convention