إضافة إلى ذلك يقوم البنك باستيفاء ضمانات لقاء التسهيلات متى ما دعت الحاجة لذلك ويكون توجه البنك عادة إلى الضمانات الأكثر سيولة والأكثر نظامية وقابلية للتنفيذ
Additionally the Bank meet guarantees meeting facilities when necessary and have directed the Bank usually guarantees the most liquid and most organizational and operational
In addition, the Bank for the fulfillment of meeting facilities guarantees whenever the need arises, and be directed to the bank usually the most liquid and most guarantees regular and feasible
In addition, the bank that guarantees meeting facilities, when required, and directs the bank usually guarantee the most liquid and most systematic and feasible