لا يجوز نقل العامل من مقر عمله الأصلي إلى مكان آخر يقتضي تغيير محل إقامته إذا كان من شأن هذا النقل أن يلحق بالعامل ضرراً جسيماً ولم يكن له سبب مشروع تقتضيه طبيعة العمل.
Not working may be transferred from its place of origin to another requires change of residence if such transport to working seriously and has no legitimate reason required by the nature of the work.
Worker shall not be moved from the headquarters of his original place to another requires changing the place of residence if such a transfer factor that caused serious damage and did not have a project required by the nature of the work reason.
The working may be carried from place of origin to another requires a change of residence if such carriage to cause the serious harm factor did not. The reason, by the nature of work.