كل معلومة متعلقة بالمنتوج موجهة للمستهلك على بطاقة او اي وثيقة اخرى مرفقة به او بواسطة اي وسيلة اخرى بما في ذلك الطرق التكنولوجية الحديثة او من خلال الاتصال الشفهي
All information related to the product from the consumer's card or any other document attached to it, or by any other means including modern technological methods or through oral communication
All information related to the product geared to the consumer on a card or any other document attached to it, or by any other means including modern technological methods or through oral communication
All Balmntwj consumer oriented information on the card or any other document attached to it, or by any other means, including by modern technological methods oral communication