وقال الشيخ يوسف بن عبدالمجيد الأنصاري، الذي قام بتقديم الكتاب ومراجعته : “لقد سعينا من خلال هذا الإصدار إلى تجميع أكبر قدر ممكن من الكنوز الشعرية لوالدي الراحل
Shaykh Yusuf Bin Abdul Majeed Al-Ansari, who submitted the book review: "we sought through this version to compile the greatest possible treasure noodles for my late father
Said Sheikh Yusuf Bin Majid Ansari, who presented the book review: "We have endeavored through this version to gather the maximum amount of poetic treasures late for my parents
He said Sheikh Yusuf bin Abdul Majeed al Ansari, who submitted the book review: "we have tried in this version to compile as much as possible of the treasures of poetry my father late